ABCDEFGH_GRAPH - Static variable in interface javautils.graph.testing.TestGraphConstants
a: b[1]; b: e[2] f[3] c[4]; c: g[5] d[6]; d: c[7] h[8]; e: f[9] a[10]; f: g[11]; g: f[12] h[13]; h: h[14];
ABCDEFGHIJ_GRAPH - Static variable in interface javautils.graph.testing.TestGraphConstants
a: b[1] d[2]; b: c[3] f[4]; c: a[5] d[6] e[7]; d: e[8]; e; f: c[9]; g: f[10] h[11]; h: f[12] j[13]; i: h[14]; j: i[15];
AbstractDispenser - class javautils.dispensers.AbstractDispenser.
Implements all the Dispenser-interface methods except size(), push(Object) and pop().
AbstractDispenser() - Constructor for class javautils.dispensers.AbstractDispenser
AbstractHolder - class javautils.holders.AbstractHolder.
A base class for holders providing default implementations of AbstractHolder.equals(java.lang.Object), AbstractHolder.hashCode() and AbstractHolder.toString()-methods.
AbstractHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.AbstractHolder
AbstractIterator - class javautils.collections.AbstractIterator.
Implements the remove-method.
AbstractIterator() - Constructor for class javautils.collections.AbstractIterator
AbstractTypedMap - class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap.
Abstract base for typed maps.
AbstractTypedMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
A new map based on HashMap.
AbstractTypedMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
A new map based on the given map.
addAll(Iterator, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Adds all elements from the sequence to the collection.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.GraphBuilder
Adds the edge identified by edgeID, along with identifiers for edge source and target.
addNode(Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.GraphBuilder
Adds the node identified by nodeID, but only if there is no node identified by an equal Object already.
AdjacentIterTemplate - class javautils.graph.templates.AdjacentIterTemplate.
An abstract Template Method [Gamma1995] for iterating a graph based on the adjacency structure of the graph.
AdjacentIterTemplate() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.templates.AdjacentIterTemplate
advance() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
Advances the internal state of the generator by using side-effects.
Algs - class javautils.collections.Algs.
Utility methods for manipulating sequences of elements.
Algs() - Constructor for class javautils.collections.Algs
AlgsTest - class javautils.collections.AlgsTest.
A [JUnit] test for Algs.
AlgsTest() - Constructor for class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
allSuperInterfaces(Class) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
An iterator over all super interfaces of the specified class.
AnAugmentedGraph - class javautils.graph.AnAugmentedGraph.
An augmented version of an original Graph-instance.
asArray(Collection, int[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Converts a collection of Integer-objects to an int-array.
asArray(Integer[], int[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Converts an array of Integer-objects to an int-array.
asComparator(Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Converts the binary predicate to a Comparator.
asObject(boolean) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObject(byte) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObject(char) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObject(double) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObject(float) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObject(int) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObject(long) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObject(Object) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
Just returns the specified object.
asObject(short) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
asObjectType(Class) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
If the given type is a primitive type (say int.class), returns the corresponding object type (say Integer.class).
asSourceTargetPair(Graph, Object) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
asString(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A string representation of the graph, where node ids are the nodes themselves and edge ids are assigned using a counter.
asString(Graph, Function, Function) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A string representation of the graph.
asUnmodifiableList(Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
An unmodifiable list that references the specified arrays.
augmented() - Method in class javautils.graph.AugmentedGraphDecorator
The original graph.
augmented(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Augmented view of the given graph.
AugmentedGraph - interface javautils.graph.adt.AugmentedGraph.
An augmented graph allows accessing edges from target nodes.
AugmentedGraphDecorator - class javautils.graph.AugmentedGraphDecorator.
A basic forwarding Decorator, see [Gamma1995], for the AugmentedGraph-interface.
AugmentedGraphDecorator(AugmentedGraph) - Constructor for class javautils.graph.AugmentedGraphDecorator


backEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each back edge as it is examined by the search.
BasicEdge - class javautils.graph.testing.BasicEdge.
A basic implementation of an edge.
BasicEdge(Object, Object, int) - Constructor for class javautils.graph.testing.BasicEdge
BasicGraph - class javautils.graph.testing.BasicGraph.
Basic implementation of the Graph-inferface for testing.
BasicGraph(Object[][]) - Constructor for class javautils.graph.testing.BasicGraph
A Graph created from the given "association table" representation.
beginNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.AdjacentIterTemplate
Called once for each node before calling doEdge for each edge from the node.
beginRoot(Object, IntHolder) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
Called once for each root drawn from the root dispenser that has not already been done.
BfsTemplate - class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate.
An abstract Template Method [Gamma1995] for breadth-first search [Cormen2001].
BfsTemplate() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
BfsTemplateTest - class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplateTest.
A [JUnit] test for BfsTemplate.
BfsTemplateTest() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplateTest
bfsTranscript(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplateTest
bindArgs(Method, Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToVoid
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the Object given as a parameter to the ObjectToVoid.with(Object)-method with the given arguments.
bindArgs(Method, Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObject
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the object given as a parameter to the ObjectToObject.with(Object)-method with the given arguments.
bindSelf(Method, Object) - Static method in class javautils.fun.VoidToVoid
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the given object.
bindSelf(Method, Object) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToBoolean
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the given object with the parameter given to the ObjectToBoolean.with(Object)-method of the wrapper.
bindSelf(Method, Object) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToVoid
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the given object with the parameter given to the ObjectToVoid.with(Object)-method of the wrapper.
bindSelf(Method, Object) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToVoid
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the given object with the parameter given to the ObjectToObjectToVoid.with(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)-method of the wrapper.
bindSelf(Method, Object) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToBoolean
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the given object with the parameter given to the ObjectToObjectToBoolean.with(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)-method of the wrapper.
bindSelf(Method, Object) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObject
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the given object with the parameter given to the ObjectToObject.with(Object)-method of the wrapper.
bindSelf(Method, Object) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToObject
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary method on the given object with the parameter given to the ObjectToObjectToObject.with(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)-method of the wrapper.
BooleanHolder - class javautils.holders.BooleanHolder.
A simple mutable holder for boolean-values.
BooleanHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.BooleanHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
BooleanHolder(boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.BooleanHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.
ByteHolder - class javautils.holders.ByteHolder.
A simple mutable holder for byte-values.
ByteHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.ByteHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
ByteHolder(byte) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.ByteHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.


CharHolder - class javautils.holders.CharHolder.
A simple mutable holder for char-values.
CharHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.CharHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
CharHolder(char) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.CharHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.
Classes - class javautils.Classes.
Static utility methods for dealing with classes and reflection.
Classes() - Constructor for class javautils.Classes
ClassesTest - class javautils.ClassesTest.
A [JUnit] test for Classes.
ClassesTest() - Constructor for class javautils.ClassesTest
clear() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
Removes all mappings from this map.
clone() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
A new deepish clone of the map (values are cloned, but keys, which should never be modified anyway, aren't).
clone(boolean) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
clone(byte) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
clone(char) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
clone(double) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
clone(float) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
clone(int) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
clone(long) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
clone(Object) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
Clones the specified object.
clone(short) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
CLOTHING_GRAPH - Static variable in interface javautils.graph.testing.TestGraphConstants
belt: jacket[1]; jacket; pants: shoes[2] belt[3]; shirt: tie[4] belt[5]; shoes; socks: shoes[6]; tie: jacket[7]; undershorts: pants[8] shoes[9]; watch;
CLOTHING_GRAPH_BFS - Static variable in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplateTest
collect(Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Collects all elements from the sequence to a new list.
collectMap(Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Collects a sequence of Map.Entry-objects into a new map.
collectSet(Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Collects all elements from the sequence to a new set.
collectUnmodifiable(Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Collects all elements into a new unmodifiable list.
CompleteTestSuiteRunner - class javautils.CompleteTestSuiteRunner.
An utility program for running all the unit tests of the project.
CompleteTestSuiteRunner() - Constructor for class javautils.CompleteTestSuiteRunner
CompleteTestSuiteRunnerConstants - interface javautils.CompleteTestSuiteRunnerConstants.
Contains an array of test classes (matching the pattern '*Test.java').
concat(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
concat(Iterator, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A sequences that first iterates over the lhs sequence and then over the rhs sequence.
concat(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
connectedComponents(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
The connected components of the given graph.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
True if and only if the key is associated with a value.
copyOf(boolean[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(byte[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(char[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(double[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(float[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(int[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(long[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOf(short[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
copyOfArray(Object) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A new copy of the given array.
Counter - class javautils.Counter.
A simple counter for generating identifiers.
Counter() - Constructor for class javautils.Counter
crossEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each cross edge as it is examined by the search.


DfsTemplate - class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate.
An abstract Template Method [Gamma1995] for depth-first search [Cormen2001].
DfsTemplate() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
DfsTemplateTest - class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplateTest.
A [JUnit] test for DfsTemplate.
DfsTemplateTest() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplateTest
dfsTranscript(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplateTest
Generates a transcript of the events generated by the DfsTemplate-method on the given graph.
discoverNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each node after the node is first discovered as a root or immediately after a tree edge is found whose target is the node.
discoverNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Called once for each discovered node either after the node has been discovered as a root or after all edges in the previous level of the search tree have been examined, but before any edges in the current level are examined.
discoverRoot(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each node that is first encountered from the search root list.
discoverRoot(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Called once for each node that is first encountered from the root list.
Dispenser - interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser.
A dispenser, see [Meyer1997], is a Strategy, see [Gamma1995], that decides the order in which elements governed by the dispenser will be processed.
DispenserWithoutDuplicatesDecorator - class javautils.dispensers.DispenserWithoutDuplicatesDecorator.
A Decorator [Gamma1995] that filters out duplicates.
DispenserWithoutDuplicatesDecorator(Dispenser) - Constructor for class javautils.dispensers.DispenserWithoutDuplicatesDecorator
A new dispenser without duplicates.
doBetween() - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate
Called once between switching from nodes to edges or vice versa.
doEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.AdjacentIterTemplate
Called once for each edge from a node.
doEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate
Called once for each edge.
doNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate
Called once for each node.
DoubleHolder - class javautils.holders.DoubleHolder.
A simple mutable holder for double-values.
DoubleHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.DoubleHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
DoubleHolder(double) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.DoubleHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.
drop(Iterator, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Drops the first n elements from the sequence.


edges(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A sequence of all edges of the graph.
edgeSet(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A set of all edges of the graph.
edgesFrom(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphContract
edgesFrom(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.TransposedGraph
edgesFrom(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphDecorator
edgesFrom(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.UndirectedGraph
edgesFrom(Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.adt.Graph
List of all edges from the specified source node.
edgesFrom(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.testing.BasicGraph
edgesTo(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphContract
edgesTo(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.AugmentedGraphDecorator
edgesTo(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.TransposedGraph
edgesTo(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.AnAugmentedGraph
edgesTo(Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.adt.AugmentedGraph
List of all edges to the specified target node.
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class javautils.collections.Algs
Empty, unmodifiable array.
EMPTY_LIST - Static variable in class javautils.collections.Algs
Empty, unmodifiable list.
EMPTY_MAP - Static variable in class javautils.collections.Algs
Empty, unmodifiable map.
EMPTY_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class javautils.collections.Algs
Empty, unmodifiable sequences.
EMPTY_SET - Static variable in class javautils.collections.Algs
Empty, unmodifiable set.
endRoot(Object, IntHolder) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
Called once for root that was begun after the search has finished handling all events generated from the root.
ensuredGet(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
return ensuredGet(key, ArrayList.class);
ensuredGet(Object, Class) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
Returns the value associated with the specified key or associates a new instance of the specified List-class with the key and returns the new instance.
ensureLength(Object[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A new array that has the same type as the given array and whose length is exactly the given length or the given array if it has the given length.
equals(Object) - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
True if and only if the other object is not-null and this and the other object have the same class and the first fields of this and the other pair are both null or both equal and the second fields of this and the other pair are both null or both equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.testing.BasicEdge
equals(Object) - Method in class javautils.holders.AbstractHolder
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
return lhs == rhs || null != lhs && lhs.equals(rhs);
eventDispenser - Variable in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
The derived class should directly push any events into this event dispenser.
Exceptions - class javautils.Exceptions.
Static utility methods for dealing with exceptions.
Exceptions() - Constructor for class javautils.Exceptions
executeTransaction(Connection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.jdbc.JDBC
Performs a transaction.
exists(Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
exists(Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (in.hasNext()) if (pred.with(in.next())) return true; return false;
exists(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs


filter(Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
filter(Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A sequence of elements that contains the elements from the given sequence for which pred.with(element) is true.
filter(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
find(Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
find(Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (in.hasNext()) { Object o = in.next(); if (pred.with(o)) return o; } return null;
find(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
finishNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each node after the complete search tree starting at the node has been finished.
finishNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.AdjacentIterTemplate
Called once for each node after all edges from the node have been done.
finishNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Called once for each node in the searh tree after all edges from the node have been examined but before any nodes on the next level of the search tree are examined.
finishRoot(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each discovered search root after the complete search tree starting at the node has been finished.
finishRoot(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Called once for each discovered root node after the entire search tree rooted at the node has been examined.
first - Variable in class javautils.ImmutablePair
Immutable field of the pair.
firstOfFirst() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
firstOfSecond() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
flatten(Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
flatten(Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Flattens the sequence by recursively flattening all collections (of type Collection), arrays (including arrays of primitive types) and sequences (of type Iterator).
flatten(Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
FloatHolder - class javautils.holders.FloatHolder.
A simple mutable holder for float-values.
FloatHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.FloatHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
FloatHolder(float) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.FloatHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.
fold(Object, Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
fold(Object, Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (rhs.hasNext()) lhs = fun.with(lhs, rhs.next()); return lhs;
fold(Object, Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
fold(Object, ResultSet, Function) - Static method in class javautils.jdbc.JDBC
Folds a function into the row sequence of the result set.
foldRight(ListIterator, Object, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (lhs.hasPrevious()) rhs = fun.with(lhs.previous(), rhs); return rhs;
foldRight(List, Object, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
foldRight(Object[], Object, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
for (int i=lhs.length-1; 0<=i; --i) rhs = fun.with(lhs[i], rhs); return rhs;
forAll(Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forAll(Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (in.hasNext()) if (!pred.with(in.next())) return false; return true;
forAll(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEach(Collection, Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEach(Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEach(Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (in.hasNext()) proc.with(in.next());
forEach(Iterator, Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (lhs.hasNext() && rhs.hasNext()) proc.with(lhs.next(), rhs.next());
forEach(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEach(Object[], Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEach(ResultSet, Function) - Static method in class javautils.jdbc.JDBC
Executes a procedure for each row of the result set.
forEachEdge(Graph, Function) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Calls the given procedure for each edge of the given graph.
forEachInProduct(Collection, Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
proc.with(lhs[0], rhs[0]); proc.with(lhs[0], rhs[1]); ... proc.with(lhs[0], rhs[rhs.size()-1]); proc.with(lhs[1], rhs[0]); proc.with(lhs[1], rhs[1]); ... proc.with(lhs[1], rhs[rhs.size()-1]); ...
forEachInProduct(Iterator, Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEachInProduct(Iterator, Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEachInProduct(Object[], Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
forEachNode(Graph, Function) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Calls the given procedure for each node of the given graph.
forName(String) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return Class.forName(name);
forwardEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each forward edge as it is examined by the search.
from(AugmentedGraph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.GraphContract
A contract checking version of the given graph.
from(AugmentedGraph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.TransposedGraph
A transposed version of the given graph.
from(Function) - Static method in class javautils.fun.VoidToVoid
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary function.
from(Function) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToBoolean
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary function.
from(Function) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToVoid
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary function.
from(Function) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToVoid
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary function.
from(Function) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToBoolean
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary function.
from(Function) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObject
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary function.
from(Function) - Static method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToObject
A wrapper that calls the given arbitrary function.
from(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.UndirectedGraph
An undirected version of the given graph.
from(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.AnAugmentedGraph
An augmented version of the graph.
Function - class javautils.fun.Function.
An arbitrary function or procedure.
Function() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.Function
A new function bound to this object and the with()-method defined by the derived class.
Function(Object, Method) - Constructor for class javautils.fun.Function
A new function bound to the specified object and method.
Function(Object, String) - Constructor for class javautils.fun.Function
A new function bound to the specified object and named public method.
Function(Object, String, Class) - Constructor for class javautils.fun.Function
A new function bound to the specified object and named public method.
Function(Object, String, Class[]) - Constructor for class javautils.fun.Function
A new function bound to the specified object and named public method.


genAddAll(Iterator[], Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
genConcat(Collection[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
genConcat(Object[][]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
genForEach(Collection[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
proc.invoke(new Object[]{cs[0][0], cs[1][0], ..., cs[cs.length-1][0]}); proc.invoke(new Object[]{cs[0][1], cs[1][1], ..., cs[cs.length-1][1]}); ...
genForEach(Iterator[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.ShortHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.CharHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.AbstractHolder
Gets the value of the value-field of this object.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.LongHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.FloatHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.DoubleHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.IntHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.BooleanHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get() - Method in class javautils.holders.ByteHolder
Overrides the base method for efficiency.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
The value associated with the specified key or null.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
get(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
The value associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
getBaseName(Class) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
Returns the last part (the part after the last dot) of the type name.
getField(Class, String) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return cls.getField(cls, fieldName);
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return obj.getClass().getField(fieldName).get(obj);
getKey() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
The ImmutablePair.first.
getMethod() - Method in class javautils.fun.Function
The bound method.
getMethod(Class, String) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return getMethod(cls, methodName, null);
getMethod(Class, String, Class[]) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return cls.getMethod(methodName, argTypes);
getMethod(Object, String, Class[]) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return getMethod(obj.getClass(), methodName, argTypes);
getOr(Object, boolean) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOr(Object, byte) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOr(Object, char) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOr(Object, double) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOr(Object, float) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOr(Object, int) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOr(Object, long) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOr(Object, short) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
The value associated with the key or the specified alternative value if the key is not associated with any value.
getOrEmptyUnmodifiableList(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
The value associated with the key or an empty, unmodifiable list if no value is associated with the key.
getOrIfNull(Map, Object, Object) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
getRootCause(Throwable) - Static method in class javautils.Exceptions
The root cause of the given throwable.
getSelf() - Method in class javautils.fun.Function
The bound object.
getStaticFieldValue(Class, String) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return cls.getField(fieldName).get(null);
getValue() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
The ImmutablePair.second.
graph - Variable in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
The graph being searched.
Graph - interface javautils.graph.adt.Graph.
Abstract, adjacency list style, representation of a directed finite graph.
graph() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphDecorator
The original graph.
GraphBuilder - interface javautils.graph.GraphBuilder.
A Builder for Graphs (see [Gamma1995]).
GraphContract - class javautils.graph.GraphContract.
A Design-by-Contract [Meyer1997] decorator for the AugmentedGraph-interface.
GraphDecorator - class javautils.graph.GraphDecorator.
A basic forwarding Decorator, see [Gamma1995], for the Graph-interface.
GraphDecorator(Graph) - Constructor for class javautils.graph.GraphDecorator
Graphs - class javautils.graph.Graphs.
Static utility methods for dealing with graphs.
Graphs() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.Graphs
GraphsTest - class javautils.graph.GraphsTest.
A [JUnit] test for Graphs.
GraphsTest() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.GraphsTest


handleEdge(Object, Object, IntHolder) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
Called once for each edge event drawn from the event dispenser.
handleNode(Object, IntHolder) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
Called once for each node event drawn from the event dispenser.
hashCode() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
The hashCode is designed to be asymmetric, so that generally new ImmutablePair(a,b) !
hashCode() - Method in class javautils.graph.testing.BasicEdge
hashCode() - Method in class javautils.holders.AbstractHolder
hashCode(Object) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
return null == o ? 0 : o.hashCode();
hasNext() - Method in class javautils.collections.IteratorDecorator
hasNext() - Method in class javautils.collections.AbstractIterator
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.
holder(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
The holder of the value associated with the key or null if the key is not associated with a value.


IDENTITY - Static variable in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObject
ImmutablePair - class javautils.ImmutablePair.
A simple immutable pair of objects.
ImmutablePair(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(boolean, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(byte, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(char, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(double, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(float, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(int, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(long, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(Object, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, boolean) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, byte) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, char) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, double) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, float) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, int) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, long) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, Object) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePair(short, short) - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePair
ImmutablePairTest - class javautils.ImmutablePairTest.
A [JUnit] test for ImmutablePair.
ImmutablePairTest() - Constructor for class javautils.ImmutablePairTest
inducedByEdgesAndContainingNodes(Graph, Iterator, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A graph induced by the specified edges and additionally containing the specified nodes.
init() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
Called once before other methods to initialize the unfold.
initNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each node before the search.
initNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Called once for each node before the search.
integersInRange(int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Sequence of consecutive integers that starts at from and ends just short of to.
IntHolder - class javautils.holders.IntHolder.
A simple mutable holder for int-values.
IntHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.IntHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
IntHolder(int) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.IntHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.
invariant(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
True if and only if the invariant of the graph holds.
invoke(Method, Object, Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return method.invoke(self, args);
invoke(Object[]) - Method in class javautils.fun.Function
Invokes the bound method on the bound object.
isAcyclic(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
True iff the given graph is acyclic.
isEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphContract
True if and only if the object is an edge of this graph.
isEmpty() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.AbstractDispenser
isEmpty() - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
return size() == 0;
isEmpty() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
True iff the size of this map is 0.
isIncoming(Graph, Object, Object) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
True iff the given node is the target of the given edge.
isNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.AugmentedGraphDecorator
isNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.UndirectedGraph
True if and only if the object is a node of this graph.
isNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.AnAugmentedGraph
isNode(Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.adt.AugmentedGraph
True if and only if the object is a node of this graph.
isSelf(Graph, Object) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
True iff the given edge is a self edge.
iter(Graph) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.AdjacentIterTemplate
Iterates over the graph and calls the event point methods.
iter(Graph) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate
First does all nodes, then does all edges.
iterator(boolean[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(boolean[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(boolean[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(byte[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(byte[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(char[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(char[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(char[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(double[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(double[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(double[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(float[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(float[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(float[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(int[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(int[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(int[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(long[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(long[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(long[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(Object[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(short[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(short[], int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterator(short[], int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
IteratorDecorator - class javautils.collections.IteratorDecorator.
A basic forwarding Decorator [Gamma1995] for iterators.
IteratorDecorator(Iterator) - Constructor for class javautils.collections.IteratorDecorator
iteratorOverArray(Object, int, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
iterEdgesThenNodes(Graph) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate
First does all edges, then does all nodes.


javautils - package javautils
Miscellaneous utility classes.
javautils.collections - package javautils.collections
Utilities for manipulating collections.
javautils.dispensers - package javautils.dispensers
Dispenser framework and library.
javautils.fun - package javautils.fun
Framework for functional objects.
javautils.graph - package javautils.graph
Utilities for manipulating graphs.
javautils.graph.adt - package javautils.graph.adt
Interfaces for graphs.
javautils.graph.templates - package javautils.graph.templates
Template Methods [Gamma1995] for graph algorithms.
javautils.graph.testing - package javautils.graph.testing
Utilities for testing graph algorithms.
javautils.holders - package javautils.holders
Holder classes for primitives types.
javautils.jdbc - package javautils.jdbc
Utilities for dealing with JDBC.
javautils.maps - package javautils.maps
Type safe maps for convenience.
JDBC - class javautils.jdbc.JDBC.
Static utility methods for dealing with JDBC.
JDBC() - Constructor for class javautils.jdbc.JDBC


keyIterator() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
An iterator over all keys of this map.
keySet() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
A mutable set of keys of this map.


LongHolder - class javautils.holders.LongHolder.
A simple mutable holder for long-values.
LongHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.LongHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
LongHolder(long) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.LongHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.


main(String[]) - Static method in class javautils.CompleteTestSuiteRunner
map - Variable in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
map(Collection, Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
map(Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
map(Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Maps the function to each element of the sequence producing a new sequence.
map(Iterator, Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Maps the function in parallel to elements from the given sequences producing a new sequence.
map(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
map(Object[], Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
mapMorphism(Map, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
mapMorphismTo(Map, Function, Map) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
mapTransform(Map, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
max(Comparable, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
max(Comparable, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
The largest value of a sequence of Comparable-objects larger than the given initial value or the initial value if the collection does not contain larger values.
max(Comparable, Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
max(double, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
max(double, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
max(int, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
max(int, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
min(Comparable, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
min(Comparable, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
The smallest value of a sequence of Comparable-objects smaller than the given initial value or the initial value if the collection does not contain smaller values.
min(Comparable, Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
min(double, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
min(double, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
min(int, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
min(int, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
more() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
True if and only if there are more elements to generate.


newAllRight(List) - Static method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
newInitialTime() - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
Called to create a new IntHolder-instance for each edge before the search.
newInstance(Class) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return cls.newInstance();
newInstance(Class, Class[], Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.Classes
return cls.getConstructor(paramTypes).newInstance(params);
newMap(Object[][]) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A new map with all bindings of the association table.
newShapedArray(int[], Class) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A new 2D-array with the specified shape.
newUnmodifiableList(Collection) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A new unmodifiable list that contains the same elements as the given collection.
next() - Method in class javautils.Counter
Increments the counter and returns the incremented value.
next() - Method in class javautils.collections.IteratorDecorator
next() - Method in class javautils.collections.AbstractIterator
nodes() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphDecorator
nodes() - Method in interface javautils.graph.adt.Graph
List of all nodes.
nodes() - Method in class javautils.graph.testing.BasicGraph
NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate - class javautils.graph.templates.NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate.
An abstract Template Method [Gamma1995] for iterating over all nodes and edges of a graph.
NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate() - Constructor for class javautils.graph.templates.NodesAndEdgesIterTemplate
nodesByDecreasingDfsFinishingTime(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A list of all nodes of the given graph in order of decreasing DFS-finishing time.
nodesByIncreasingIndegree(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A list of all nodes of the given graph in increasing order of indegree.
nodesByIncreasingOutdegree(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A list of all nodes of the given graph in increasing order of outdegree.
nodeSet(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A set of all nodes of the graph.
nodesReachableFrom(Graph, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
nodesReachableFrom(Graph, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Set of nodes reachable from the specified roots.
nodesReachableFrom(Graph, Object) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
nonTreeEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Called for each edge that is not part of the search tree after discovering all the nodes in the current level of the search tree, but before any nodes in the next level are discovered.
NOP - Static variable in class javautils.fun.VoidToVoid
NOP - Static variable in class javautils.fun.ObjectToVoid
NOP - Static variable in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToVoid
notDone(IntHolder) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
True if and only if the time indicates that associated node hasn't already been done or discovered.
notEmpty() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.AbstractDispenser
notEmpty() - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
return !isEmpty();


object(Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.GraphBuilder
The object identified by id.
Objects - class javautils.Objects.
Static utility methods for dealing with objects.
Objects() - Constructor for class javautils.Objects
ObjectsTest - class javautils.ObjectsTest.
A [JUnit] test for Objects.
ObjectsTest() - Constructor for class javautils.ObjectsTest
ObjectToBoolean - class javautils.fun.ObjectToBoolean.
Object->boolean function.
ObjectToBoolean() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.ObjectToBoolean
ObjectToBooleanMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap.
Map from objects to boolean-values.
ObjectToBooleanMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToBooleanMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
A new Object->boolean map using the given map.
ObjectToByteMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap.
Map from objects to byte-values.
ObjectToByteMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToByteMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
A new Object->byte map using the given map.
ObjectToCharMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap.
Map from objects to char-values.
ObjectToCharMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToCharMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
A new Object->char map using the given map.
ObjectToDoubleMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap.
Map from objects to double-values.
ObjectToDoubleMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToDoubleMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
A new Object->double map using the given map.
ObjectToFloatMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap.
Map from objects to float-values.
ObjectToFloatMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToFloatMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
A new Object->float map using the given map.
ObjectToIntMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap.
Map from objects to int-values.
ObjectToIntMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToIntMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
A new Object->int map using the given map.
ObjectToListMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap.
Map from objects to non-null List-objects.
ObjectToListMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
A new map based on HashMap.
ObjectToListMap(Collection) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
A new map that maps the given keys to new ArrayList-instances.
ObjectToListMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
A new Object->List map using the given map.
ObjectToListMap(Map, Collection, Class) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
A new Object->List map using the given map, with the specifified keys mapped to new instances of the specified list type.
ObjectToLongMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap.
Map from objects to long-values.
ObjectToLongMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToLongMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
A new Object->long map using the given map.
ObjectToObject - class javautils.fun.ObjectToObject.
Object->Object function.
ObjectToObject() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.ObjectToObject
ObjectToObjectToBoolean - class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToBoolean.
Object->Object->boolean function.
ObjectToObjectToBoolean() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToBoolean
ObjectToObjectToObject - class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToObject.
Object->Object->Object function.
ObjectToObjectToObject() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToObject
ObjectToObjectToVoid - class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToVoid.
Object->Object->void procedure.
ObjectToObjectToVoid() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToVoid
ObjectToShortMap - class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap.
Map from objects to short-values.
ObjectToShortMap() - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
A new map based on the map type used by AbstractTypedMap.AbstractTypedMap(java.util.Map).
ObjectToShortMap(Map) - Constructor for class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
A new Object->short map using the given map.
ObjectToVoid - class javautils.fun.ObjectToVoid.
Object->void procedure.
ObjectToVoid() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.ObjectToVoid
original - Variable in class javautils.collections.IteratorDecorator
original() - Method in class javautils.graph.AnAugmentedGraph
The original, unaugmented, graph.
otherNode(Graph, Object, Object) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
The other node of the edge.


pop() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Queue
pop() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
pop() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.DispenserWithoutDuplicatesDecorator
pop() - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
Chooses the next element to be processed, removes it from the dispenser, and returns the element.
prepareNode(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
Called once for each node before the search.
push(Object) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Queue
push(Object) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
push(Object) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.DispenserWithoutDuplicatesDecorator
push(Object) - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
Adds a new element into the dispenser.
pushAll(Collection) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.AbstractDispenser
pushAll(Collection) - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
Adds all elements in the collection into the dispenser in the order that the iterator of the collection returns them.
pushAll(Iterator) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.AbstractDispenser
pushAll(Iterator) - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
Adds all elements returned by the iterator into the dispenser in the order that the iterator returns them.
pushAllRight(List) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.AbstractDispenser
pushAllRight(List) - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
Adds all elements in the list into the dispenser starting from the last element in the list.
put(Object, boolean) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, BooleanHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
put(Object, byte) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, ByteHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
put(Object, char) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, CharHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
put(Object, double) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, DoubleHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
put(Object, float) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, FloatHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
put(Object, int) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, IntHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
put(Object, List) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, long) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, LongHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
put(Object, short) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
Associates the key with the specified value.
put(Object, ShortHolder) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
Associates the key with the specified holder.
putAll(Iterator, Map) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Puts a sequence of Map.Entry-objects to the map.
putAll(Object[][], Map) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Puts all key-value bindings from the association table to the map.


Queue - class javautils.dispensers.Queue.
FIFO queue.
Queue() - Constructor for class javautils.dispensers.Queue
Queue(Collection) - Constructor for class javautils.dispensers.Queue


randomGraph(int, int) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A new random graph with the specified number of nodes and edges.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
ref(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
The holder associated with the key - throws an assertion exception if the key is not associated with a value.
refOr(Object, boolean) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
refOr(Object, byte) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
refOr(Object, char) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
refOr(Object, double) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
refOr(Object, float) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
refOr(Object, int) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
refOr(Object, long) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
refOr(Object, short) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
The holder associated with the key or a new holder that holds the specified value and associated with the key.
remove() - Method in class javautils.collections.AbstractIterator
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
remove(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
Removes the specified key from this map.
restrictedToNodes(Graph, Collection) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
restrictedToNodes(Graph, Iterator) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
A graph restricted to the specified nodes and edges between the specified nodes.
restrictedToNodes(Graph, Object[]) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
reverseIterator(List) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
return reverse(l.listIterator(l.size()));
reverseIterator(ListIterator) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
An iterator whose previous is the next of the original iterator.
rotateLeft(int, int) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
return value << n | value >>> 32-n;
RSTUVWXY_GRAPH - Static variable in interface javautils.graph.testing.TestGraphConstants
s: w[1] r[2]; r: s[3] v[4]; t: x[5] w[6] u[7]; u: t[8] x[9] y[10]; v: r[11]; w: t[12] x[13] s[14]; x: w[15] t[16] u[17] y[18]; y: u[19] x[20];
RSTUVWXY_GRAPH_BFS - Static variable in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplateTest


same(Object, Object) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
return lhs == rhs;
sameClass(Object, Object) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
return null != lhs && null != rhs && lhs.getClass().equals(rhs.getClass());
sameNodesAndEdges(Graph, Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
True if and only if the given graphs have the same nodes and edges.
search() - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
Performs the search calling the event point methods.
search(Graph) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Performs depth-first search on the graph and calls the event point methods.
search(Graph) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Performs breadth-first search on the given graph and calls the event point methods.
search(Graph, Collection) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
search(Graph, Collection) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
search(Graph, Iterator) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Performs depth-first search on the graph, examines root nodes in the given sequence, and calls the event point methods.
search(Graph, Iterator) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Performs breadth-first search on the given graph, examines root nodes in the given sequence, and calls the event point methods.
search(Graph, Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
search(Graph, Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
second - Variable in class javautils.ImmutablePair
Immutable field of the pair.
secondOfFirst() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
secondOfSecond() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
select(Object, Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
select(Object, Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (rhs.hasNext()) { Object o = rhs.next(); if (pred.with(lhs,o)) lhs = o; } return lhs;
select(Object, Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
set(int, Object) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
set(Object) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
setValue(Object) - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
ShortHolder - class javautils.holders.ShortHolder.
A simple mutable holder for short-values.
ShortHolder() - Constructor for class javautils.holders.ShortHolder
Default constructor for convenience.
ShortHolder(short) - Constructor for class javautils.holders.ShortHolder
A new holder with specified initial value.
sign(int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
The sign, -1 or 1 of x or 0.
singletonIterator(Object) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
size() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Queue
size() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
size() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.DispenserWithoutDuplicatesDecorator
size() - Method in interface javautils.dispensers.Dispenser
Number of elements in the dispenser.
size() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
The size of this map.
sort(List, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Sorts the collection in-place according to the ordering imposed by the predicate.
sort(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
Sorts the array in-place according to the ordering imposed by the predicate.
sorted(Collection, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A sorted copy of the collection according to the ordering imposed by the predicate.
sorted(Iterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
sourceOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphContract
sourceOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.TransposedGraph
sourceOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphDecorator
sourceOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.UndirectedGraph
sourceOf(Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.adt.Graph
The source node of the edge.
sourceOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.testing.BasicGraph
Stack - class javautils.dispensers.Stack.
LIFO stack.
Stack() - Constructor for class javautils.dispensers.Stack
Stack(Collection) - Constructor for class javautils.dispensers.Stack
stronglyConnectedComponents(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
The strongly connected components of the given directed graph.
STUVWXYZ_GRAPH - Static variable in interface javautils.graph.testing.TestGraphConstants
s: z[1] w[2]; t: v[3] u[4]; u: v[5] t[6]; v: s[7] w[8]; w: x[9]; x: z[10]; y: x[11]; z: y[12] w[13];
STUVWXYZ_GRAPH_DFS - Static variable in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplateTest
swap() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
A new immutable pair with the first and second swapped.


take(Iterator, int) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
A new sequence that only has the first min(n,length(in)) elements of the given sequence.
targetOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphContract
targetOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.TransposedGraph
targetOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphDecorator
targetOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.UndirectedGraph
targetOf(Object) - Method in interface javautils.graph.adt.Graph
The target node of the edge.
targetOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.testing.BasicGraph
testAsObjectType() - Method in class javautils.ClassesTest
Tests that the Classes.asObjectType(java.lang.Class)-method recognizes the primitive types.
testAsString() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.asString(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method gives correct results on the TestGraphConstants.CLOTHING_GRAPH.
testBfsOnCLOTHING() - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplateTest
Tests that the BfsTemplate-method gives the expected transcript on the TestGraphConstants.CLOTHING_GRAPH.
testBfsOnRSTUVWXY() - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplateTest
Tests that the BfsTemplate-method gives the expected transcript on the TestGraphConstants.RSTUVWXY_GRAPH.
testClassForName() - Method in class javautils.ClassesTest
Tests that the Class.forName(java.lang.String)-method does not recognize the primitive type boolean.
testConcat() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testConnectedComponentsOnCLOTHING() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.connectedComponents(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method appears to return the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.CLOTHING_GRAPH-graph, which consists of two components.
testConnectedComponentsOnUVWXYZ() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.connectedComponents(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method returns the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.UVWXYZ_GRAPH-graph, which is a connected graph.
testCopyOf() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testDfsOnSTUVWXYZ() - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplateTest
Tests that the DfsTemplate-method gives the expected transcript on the TestGraphConstants.STUVWXYZ_GRAPH-graph.
testDfsOnUVWXYZ() - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplateTest
Tests that the DfsTemplate-method gives the expected transcript on the TestGraphConstants.UVWXYZ_GRAPH-graph.
testDrop() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testEdgesOnABCDEFGHIJ() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.edges(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method returns the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.ABCDEFGHIJ_GRAPH-graph.
testEquals() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePairTest
Tests that the ImmutablePair.equals(java.lang.Object)-method gives the expected result on a couple of test cases.
testExists() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testFilter() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testFilterEmptyResult() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testFilterEmptySource() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testFind() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testFindNotFound() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testFold() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testFoldRight() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testForAll() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testForEach() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testForEachInProduct() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testForName() - Method in class javautils.ClassesTest
Tests that the Classes.forName(java.lang.String)-method also recognizes the primitives types.
testGenForEach() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
TestGraphConstants - interface javautils.graph.testing.TestGraphConstants.
Graphs for testing graph algorithms.
testHashCode() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePairTest
Tests that the hash code of ImmutablePair-objects is not symmetric and that the hash code is the same on a couple of separately constructed pairs with equal values.
testIntegersInRange() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testMap() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testMapMorphism() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testNewShapedArray() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testRestrictedToNodesOnABCDEFGH() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.restrictedToNodes(javautils.graph.adt.Graph, java.util.Iterator)-method returns the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.ABCDEFGH_GRAPH-graph when restricted to nodes {a,b,c,d}.
testRotateLeft() - Method in class javautils.ObjectsTest
Tests that the Objects.rotateLeft(int, int)-method gives the expected result on a number of test cases designed to cover most essential input equivalence classes.
TESTS - Static variable in interface javautils.CompleteTestSuiteRunnerConstants
An array of the following classes: ClassesTest AlgsTest GraphsTest BfsTemplateTest DfsTemplateTest ImmutablePairTest ObjectsTest
testSelect() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testStronglyConnectedComponentsOnABCDEFGH() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.stronglyConnectedComponents(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method returns the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.ABCDEFGH_GRAPH-graph.
testStronglyConnectedComponentsOnABCDEFGHIJ() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.stronglyConnectedComponents(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method returns the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.ABCDEFGHIJ_GRAPH-graph.
testTake() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testTransform() - Method in class javautils.collections.AlgsTest
testTransitiveIrreflexiveClosureOnCLOTHING() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.transitiveIrreflexiveClosure(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method returns the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.CLOTHING_GRAPH-graph.
testTransitiveIrreflexiveClosureOnUVWXYZ() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.transitiveIrreflexiveClosure(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method returns the correct result on the TestGraphConstants.UVWXYZ_GRAPH-graph, which is a cyclic graph containing a self-edge.
testTransposedOnUVWXYZ() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.transposed(javautils.graph.adt.AugmentedGraph)-method returns a graph with specified properties on the TestGraphConstants.UVWXYZ_GRAPH-graph.
testUndirectedUVWXYZ() - Method in class javautils.graph.GraphsTest
Tests that the Graphs.undirected(javautils.graph.adt.Graph)-method returns correct results on the TestGraphConstants.UVWXYZ_GRAPH-graph.
TimedSearchTemplate - class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate.
An abstract Template Method [Gamma1995] for searching directed graphs in a timed fashion.
TimedSearchTemplate(Graph, Iterator, Dispenser) - Constructor for class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
A new timed search template.
timeOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.TimedSearchTemplate
The time associated with the node.
top() - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
top(int) - Method in class javautils.dispensers.Stack
toString() - Method in class javautils.ImmutablePair
toString() - Method in class javautils.graph.testing.BasicEdge
toString() - Method in class javautils.holders.AbstractHolder
toString() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
A textual representation of this map.
toString(Object) - Static method in class javautils.Objects
return null != o ? o.toString() : "null";
toThrowUnchecked(Throwable) - Static method in class javautils.Exceptions
Throws the Throwable as an uncheched exception or wraps it inside a RuntimeException to be thrown by the caller.
transform(List, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
transform(ListIterator, Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
while (i.hasNext()) i.set(fun.with(i.next()));
transform(Object[], Function) - Static method in class javautils.collections.Algs
transformListsToUnmodifiableLists() - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
Makes the lists in the map unmodifiable.
transitiveIrreflexiveClosure(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Transitive, irreflexive closure of the given graph.
transposed(AugmentedGraph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Transpose view of the given finite graph.
transposed(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Transpose view of the given finite graph.
TransposedGraph - class javautils.graph.TransposedGraph.
A transposed graph.
treeEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplate
Called once for each tree edge as it is examined by the search.
treeEdge(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.templates.BfsTemplate
Called for each search tree edge after discovering all the nodes in the current level of the search tree, but before any nodes in the next level are discovered.


undirected(Graph) - Static method in class javautils.graph.Graphs
Undirected view of the given finite graph.
UndirectedGraph - class javautils.graph.UndirectedGraph.
An undirected graph.
Unfold - class javautils.collections.Unfold.
Template method for unfolding, or generating, a collection.
unfold() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
return unfoldTo(new ArrayList());
Unfold() - Constructor for class javautils.collections.Unfold
unfoldAsIterator() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
An iterator that generates the same sequence of elements.
unfoldMap() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
return unfoldTo(new HashMap());
unfoldRight() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
return unfoldRightTo(new LinkedList());
unfoldRightTo(LinkedList) - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
init(); while (more()) { to.addFirst(value()); advance(); } return to;
unfoldTo(Collection) - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
init(); while (more()) { to.add(value()); advance(); } return to;
unfoldTo(List) - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
return (List)unfoldTo((Collection)to);
unfoldTo(Map) - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
init(); while (more()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)value(); to.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); advance(); } return to;
unfoldTo(Set) - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
return (Set)unfoldTo((Set)to);
uninvertedOf(Object) - Method in class javautils.graph.UndirectedGraph
The underlying uninverted edge of the specified edge.
unmodifiableMap() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
An unmodifiable view to the internal map.
UVWXYZ_GRAPH - Static variable in interface javautils.graph.testing.TestGraphConstants
u: v[1] x[2]; v: y[3]; w: y[4] z[5]; x: v[6]; y: x[7]; z: z[8];
UVWXYZ_GRAPH_DFS - Static variable in class javautils.graph.templates.DfsTemplateTest


value - Variable in class javautils.holders.ShortHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value - Variable in class javautils.holders.CharHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value - Variable in class javautils.holders.LongHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value - Variable in class javautils.holders.FloatHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value - Variable in class javautils.holders.DoubleHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value - Variable in class javautils.holders.IntHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value - Variable in class javautils.holders.BooleanHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value - Variable in class javautils.holders.ByteHolder
The mutable value of this holder.
value() - Method in class javautils.collections.Unfold
The element to be added to the generated list.
valueIterator() - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
An iterator over all values of this map.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.AbstractTypedMap
True iff the value satisfies the typing constraints.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToFloatMap
Tests that the value is a non null FloatHolder-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToCharMap
Tests that the value is a non null CharHolder-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToListMap
True iff the value is a non null List-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToDoubleMap
Tests that the value is a non null DoubleHolder-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToShortMap
Tests that the value is a non null ShortHolder-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToBooleanMap
Tests that the value is a non null BooleanHolder-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToLongMap
Tests that the value is a non null LongHolder-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToByteMap
Tests that the value is a non null ByteHolder-object.
valuePredicate(Object) - Method in class javautils.maps.ObjectToIntMap
Tests that the value is a non null IntHolder-object.
VoidToObject - class javautils.fun.VoidToObject.
void->Object procedure.
VoidToObject() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.VoidToObject
VoidToVoid - class javautils.fun.VoidToVoid.
void->void procedure.
VoidToVoid() - Constructor for class javautils.fun.VoidToVoid


with() - Method in class javautils.fun.VoidToVoid
with() - Method in class javautils.fun.VoidToObject
with(Object) - Method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToBoolean
with(Object) - Method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToVoid
with(Object) - Method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObject
with(Object, Object) - Method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToVoid
with(Object, Object) - Method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToBoolean
with(Object, Object) - Method in class javautils.fun.ObjectToObjectToObject